Just got out of the hospital today and I am so far behind it looks like I'm ahead!! I expect to be going full speed in a short time. I love and appreciate all of you so much for bearing with me and hanging in there, despite my absence. You know, He sure never promised us a rose garden. (I love saying that, but I believe this is the first time I have ever written it. Somehow it seems more real and easier by far to recall if something is written instead of merely spoken.)
Not only have angels been in my garden, they have looked after me very well, no matter where I seem to be. Great news to share ...... I am going to have 2 (not just 1, but 2) more great grandchildren. We know one is a boy and not sure about the other one yet. We'll take whatever we get and be pleased as punch with it. I am so excited, I can hardly wait. Little babies are absolutely the most precious, innocent little beings in the entire universe! They just ooze sweetness and softness.
Kristi and Heath will be blessed with a little baby boy soon. Brittany and Nathan have a while to wait on their little blessing, as she has just learned the good news. You know I will have constant updates for I am just too, too grateful that I have been allowed the pleasure of playing with a great grandchild. Some of us have all the luck!! What can I say? (except be sweet and be good ...)