Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Magic Begins To Happen
I seemed to have forgotten a lesson ingrained in me since childhood. When we turn our anxieties over to God, they begin to be smaller and smaller until they disappear altogether or maybe it's because He is so much bigger than they are. When God's will is above our own and we believe with our hearts and minds, we see magical things begin to happen.
This was brought about by Debye, my oldest daughter, when I expressed a great fear that I had tried to deal with privately. Of course, someone close can tell when something is bothering you. It shows in your behavior, on your face, the way you move. She knows me well, sometimes I think maybe better than I know myself. Anyway, bless her sweet little heart, she has just gone home and left this: "Mom, I thought you would like to read this."
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things (Philippians 4:6-8 NKJV).
Be sweet.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Awards - Treasured Gifts From Friends

That sweet little Momma Young has awarded me the Passionate Blogger Award.
Recipients are to write about five things unrelated to blogging and nominate five others।
Glynis at Gunibee Scraps
Anish at Actuate Life
Patty at Two Greyhound Town
Sara at The Breathing Post
JT at The Frugal Housewife
The five things I am most passionate about include: my family, scrapbooking, cooking, friendships, and learning new things.
I also received The Nobless Oblige Award form Melissa at Real Parenting 4 Real Kids। Thank you , Sweetie। This my second of these, so I will pass this one to Lilly OF Lilly's Life - please look at Melissa's post for info.
Be sweet guys
Friday, February 13, 2009
Things I Don't Tell Most People
1. I absolutely love a meal of just steamed, unseasoned broccoli and sweet potatoes.
2. I have been told I am the only person who says the word "sweet" with two syllables.
3. Abigail says I am her old, old, old grandma.
4. I believed till I was in the 7th grade that the doctor brought one of my brothers in an apple box and the other in a suitcase.
5. When I first pick up a magazine, I start at the back cover and look through it backwards.
6. When I look into a mirror, my first thought is "who in the heck is that old lady?"
There was nothing hard about that. I could have easily come up with more, but I must tag others with this Weirdest Tag. I choose:
Melissa at Real Parenting 4 Real Kids
Loribeth at Artistic Romance
Momma Young at Momma Young's @ Home
Lilly at Lilly's Life
Loree at Stories and Scribbles
June at Cen's Loft
That's all, folks. Oh, just this one last thought:
Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. -
- Leon Suyenes
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Magic in the Mind of a Child

I am lucky enough to have, not just one, but two brothers. I am the oldest and they never let me forget it! My brother, Earl, is 16 months younger than me and Mert is 6 years younger, so Earl and I still call him our baby brother. I have such wonderful memories of growing up with those two I could fill a large volume! Earl and I used to tie towels around our necks and try to fly. We really got in trouble for climbing on top of the chicken house and "flying" off. I remember how I would try to hypnotize my brother by slowly swaying an object in front of him and how he would stare straight at it and act as if he really was in a trance. I was so proud! Here I was an accomplished hypnotist at the age of 7!
We firmly believed in the existence of fairies. Nothing could convince us fairies were make believe. We had even seen pictures of them and knew for a fact they lived under toadstools and only came out at night. Many hours were spent on our front porch and on our knees in the yard looking and waiting for the fairies to come out, dancing in rings around our yard. We searched under every toadstool, confident that the tiny creatures would be under the very next one! I could hardly wait to hold one gently in my hand. Relentlessly we searched every nook and cranny of our yard, determined to find those magical little people with wings. I honestly don't remember how old I was when I realized fairies lived only in the minds of little children who listened in awe, as the tales were read to them.
I believe there is a moral here, for there are people who spend a lifetime looking for something that they will never find, for what they search for is not found on the outside, but in our own hearts and minds.
Be sweet
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Skidboot's Story
This video is about the special bond between man and his best friend. Skidboot is not only a best friend, but a helper with the intelligence to be taught tricks faster than his owner could think them up! David, the dog's owner took no credit for teaching anything, but gave all credit to his beloved Skidboot. They were on Oprah and other TV programs. At the time of this video, the dog was going blind. Please watch all the way to the end. It is an amazing story, one I will remember for a long time.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Valentine,s on a Dime Free ebook

I'm back, guys. I found this great ebook for you to download free, so had to post the information. This is 32 pages, with wonderful valentine recipes and all kinds of good tips to have an exquisite Valentine's Day while staying within your budget. I hope you look over it---really good advice here.
You may download the book here.
Grounds In Grandpa's Coffee
I watched both of my grandmas as they prepared red eye gravy for Grandpa's breakfast. Each grandpa would swish a big fluffy homemade biscuit around to gather up the last bit of what was left on his plate. Grandpa always sat at the head of the table, ate out of the same plate and drank his morning coffee out of the same giant mug. Coffee grounds swimming on the top were downed with the rest of the coffee. He always told me "It isn't real coffee unless it has grounds in it."
To this day, I occasionally put water and coffee in a pot to boil, then let most of the grounds settle and pour off the dark liquid to relive those days when I drank coffee at my grandparents. My mom and dad said I was too young to drink coffee, but not Grandma and Grandpa! I knew my mom had been fed a spoonful of coffee at just a few days of age.
For some reason, I always felt so important when I was there. I always got the corner biscuits, which I loved because they had two crunchy sides. Sometimes, at home my brothers got them first so it was a real treat for me. The only time that was not totally pleasant was the time it took to go to sleep after grandma and I were in our gowns and in bed for the night. It would have been okay even then, but I became so stiff from trying not to move, I could hardly stand it. I thought I had to be just like Gran and I swear when she laid down in bed, she never moved!! I wanted to be just like her so I laid as still as I could for as long as I could till I thought I would surely die if I didn't move just a little! In my own bed at home I tossed, turned, changed positions every 3 minutes till I wore myself out and went to sleep. I had to make Grandma proud and if she didn't move, I wasn't moving. My little mind whirled with these thoughts till without realizing it, I fell asleep!
Most grandparents have that knack for making little ones feel so very special, because it so happens they are very special, especially through the eyes of their grandparents.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Recipe Cards to Download and Print
Download right here.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Wit and Humor of Abe Lincoln
I believe his wit and humor placed him in the hearts of so many as much or more than his practical side. It is said he was so full of fun, it was not possible to keep it all in. I love reading and learning everything about him as he was such an extraordinary man. The following is a yarn of his I am sure you have read or heard. However, it is so good I feel it is worth reading again.
As he told it, Mr. Lincoln was surprised one day when a large, fierce looking man drew a gun and held the weapon almost in his face. Under these circumstances, "Abe" knew that talking or arguing with the man would be useless.
"What seems to be the matter?" asked Mr Lincoln with every bit of calmness he possessed.
"Well," replied the stranger, who did not appear at all excited, "some years ago I swore an oath that if I ever came across an uglier man than myself, I'd shoot him on the spot."
A feeling of relief came over "Abe", as the expression upon his countenance lost any suggestion of anxiety.
"Shoot me," he said to the stranger; " for if I am an uglier man than you I don't want to live."
Yes, "Abe" Lincoln was recognized as the champion story teller of the Capitol! Nothing could arise that stumped him. He always had a story that would furnish the proper illustration.
You be sweet now.