Loree, of Stories and Scribbles, has given me an award!! I am so happy to accept and post to my little ole' bloggie!! It lifts us up when we are the recipient of an award, just adds a little more zing to the day to know someone thinks we are special enough to deserve an award. Loree is such a little sweetie and I would encourage every one of you to visit her blog if you haven't done so before. You will be pleasantly surprised. It is so colorful, with the header full of beautiful flowers that I wish were in my front yard!!
The rules of the award are as follows:
1. say thank you and give a link to the presenter
2.share 10 honest things about yourself
3.Present the award to 7 other blogs
4.tell them of the award and the rules
Okay, now here are the 7 blogs to pass this award to, although it is hard to just give it to 7 when you would rather give it to 70, but rules are rules!!
1. My Creations and More
2.The Breathing Post
3.The Rainbow Bank
4.Marie's Cozy Corner
5.New Scribbles From Glynis Smy
7.Momma Young @ Home
Now comes the easy part, ten honest things about me, which definitely will not include my shoe size 'cause there is no way I'm gonna' be honest about that!!!
1. I love having my first cup of coffee at dawn on my deck, watching the squirrels gather acorns, preparing for winter, watching the sun rise is awesome and I am thankful then for my sight!!
2. I become very attached to people very easily.
3. I just love giving something I have made to someone. It makes my insides glow. I can't see them glow, I just know they do.
4. I don't like to complain. I sometimes do, but that doesn't have to make me like it!! I have nothing actually to complain about.
5. When I think of my grand children and the 4 little great grandchildren, I am filled with something totally beyond description, I feel as if I will just burst with the fullness of whatever it is ... with love, happiness, pride ... there are no words known to man to describe what I feel, so the best I can do is just say I love them so! They are my angels, they are my heart. Their lives all came down from mine and I look at them in disbelief .... they are my treasure!!!!
6. Since my SCA I sometimes wake up in the morning and can't remember what I'm supposed to do. (that was a hard one ... I really needed to share that but it is so much like complaining)
7. I love kettle corn and make it almost every night.
8. I am already thinking of goodies to make for Christmas, both edible and crafty, baskets, gifts in a jar, that sort of thing. I adore the decorated gifts in a jar and have many to share with you.
9. I still believed when I was in the 7th grade that the doctor brought one of my brothers in an apple box and the other in a suitcase. When I raised my hand to share this bit of info with my classmates, they all started laughing! I just laughed too. I don't remember when I finally figured out they were laughing because I was so dumb!!! I can't even remember when or how I learned that's not how my brothers got here!
10. I wish I could learn to design scrapbook sets.
There, you have it!! I was completely honest about the way I thought my brothers came into the world. Guess you can tell I led a very sheltered life! I was a senior in high school at age 16 and lived in the country my entire life. My mom's relatives were from the mountains of Northwest Arkansas and dad's hailed from the hills of Kentucky ... need I say more? I used to break ice in a "washpan" to heat on the old wood stove to get ready for school, but, let me tell you, those were the days!!!! How grateful I am to have had them.