I hope today and all your days are good ones! Don't forget about Earth Hour 2009, when we should all turn off our lights, etc. for just one hour. It would be grand if everyone did, absolutely awesome! How quiet and how peaceful, We all could even take a walk or play a game or paint or remember this is how it used to be...........
Be sweet and good.
Thanks for a lovely post. What a wonderful thought to turn out all our lights for an hour. The whole world would save so much power, and there will be peace atleast for an hour.
Will try to be good & sweet. Thank you.
And here's wishing a Happy St. Patrick's day too...!!
Happy St Patrick's to you too Polly. I did not even realise it's the 17th today. Sometimes I get so caught up in things that I do not even realise the significance of a date.
Happy St Patrick's Day. Polly! If you find that URL, definitely leave it on my blog or email it to me - you have now peeked my curiosity, lol! And thank you for the compliments :-)
Are you wearing green? I always find that I don't have much green in my wardrobe...
Happy St Patricks day Polly and I smiled at the turning off the power as we had a powercut for 2hrs! :)
sorry, I won't be complying. I paid my dues with power outages this winter a number of times. That counts doesn't it?
Anyway Polly, is there a specified hour for this? Might be fun to see if the news catches a drop in the grid.
As a kid my construction paper clovers were about as successful as my hearts in February. And why is it that teachers only had one or two patterns for the whole class? do you remembeer painting the classroom windows with bon ami and painting on decorations with tempera?
Absolutely fantastic post! Good job!
Great! Keep up the great posts…..
Good week………
Hi Polly, it would be wonderful if everyone did turn off their lights for an hour, what a huge saving it would make.
We could all go to bed an hour earlier and save power and get some extra sleep...well, the ones who could sleep would!!
Thank you for stopping by TG & leaving a nice comment - what a beautiful blog :)
Happy St. Patrick's day to you too..
ps. You received the "Kreative Blogger award"
I love your butterfly...
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