These Are My Friends, My Pals, My Blogging Buddies!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

On Being Mom, Grandma and Great Grandma

Some moms might be offended by this little piece of work, but I think it is hilarious!  My daughter posted it onto my Facebook wall and I made it my profile picture! 
I will 'fess up ... that's me to a T!!  My poor kids are all grown up with families of their own and most already have grandghildren of their own (which means I am a great grandma and proud of it), but I still think I have to give them all kinds of advice, asked for or not, usually not!!
I am positive they sometimes dread to see my number on their caller ID but they know better than to ignore it because I just keep calling till they answer!!!
Of course, I am exaggerating (a little), because I try SO hard not to interfere in their lives but, for a mama like me, it is really hard on a blustery day not to tell my 42 year old son to be sure to button his coat, wear gloves and, for goodness sake, cover up those ears because you know how you always got those earaches and Lord knows, your wife has enough to put up with from you without you coming down with an earache ... however, should you do so, please don't forget to pick up some sweet oil.  Remember how we always warmed it in a spoon first so as not to shock that poor little ear into deafness or something maybe worse.
I surely do love being a mama, a grandma and best of all, a great grandma!!  Those kids are more fun than a barrel of monkeys.  I could play with the little ones for days on end and never tire of them.  I love playing with the little dolls and tea parties and playing house with them.  I am SO grateful, so lucky to have them in my life.
Once when Carlee (age 4 now) and I were playing in the bedroom, she saw her daddy pulling into the driveway and she ran to the door, quick as a wink.  I thought it was because she was happy to see her daddy, but she just as quickly ran back and said, "Hurry, Grandma, hide! My daddy's here and I yocked him out!!"   The "y" on lock was not a typo ... that's the way she says locked!
Now is that not about the sweetest, funniest thing you ever heard?  I could go on all day about little things they say and do.  I tell you, they light up my life!  My sweet, sweet little tiny angels!


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

This post shows that you will always be a Mom! I do the same with my kids

Polly said...

You are O right, Kim! I am first and foremost a mom and all else falls by the wayside. I love my family with ... they are my heart!!

Anonymous said...

My son hates it when I mother him and I feel as if I distance him from me by telling him what to do. I find that he warms up to me when I try to be more of a friend to him, he is in his 30's.
My son bought me a little Tracfone SVC for seniors over Xmas which has bigger keys and letters on the screen as my cell phone contract had expired. I thought this was a lovely gift and he said that it would be cheaper if I phoned him on my new phone as I tend to talk too much.
I guess I would get a more favorable response from my son in general if I laughed more, was more relaxed knowing that he knows what to do in his 30's.

Polly said...

You know Annette, my kids laugh about it because I am exactly like my dad was! I was mostly joking about telling them what to do. I figure I raised them in such a way that they can pretty well handle any situation that might arise. I really do try extra hard not to interfere in any way in their lives. They are smart enough to figure it out and, truth be told, they usually wind up telling me what to do!! My daughters are my very best friends and my boys and sweet little daughters in law are good buddies as well, but I (and they) never forget that I am a mother first. Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope you will return. I've really been sick and sort of neglected the blogs. Have a great day, Sweetie!

Aries said...

Hahahah Once a mom will always be a mom. Lately when I repeat stuffs to my two teenage sons and they keep telling me "Yeah I know cause you had told me a thousand time" and suddenly I realize I had turned into my mom and my mother-in-law. Well, guess a mom's job is to remind our kids what is right and not, in our opinion and keep reminding till it gets into their head. Wonder what it would be like when I become grandma. Love reading your post.

Zabrinah said...

:) I love that your daughter made it her profile picture. That's so funny, and it's obvious she means well by it. Kim's right. You'll always be a Mom. And there's nothing wrong with that.


Best wishes from one blogger to another,

[your everyday girl,
writing about guys]

Willows Grammie said...

I love this! The funny thing is my adult children appreciate the "Mothering" way more than my younger kids that actually NEED the mothering do! Once a momma, always a momma! Thanks for sharing!

Terra said...

The cartoon and you are too cute! Made me smile.

Krystal Kats said...

The Facebook graphic is funny. Sounds like your a busy mom and grandma. It sure can be a wonderful time for some Grammies. Happy first day of fall and thanks for stopping by my blog. Hugs