I have had a life filled with blessings!! The latest and newest blessing is little Morgan Lynne, my fifth great, great grandchild, so tiny, chubby and sweet, so perfect. She has a little curl on top of her head and makes "Miss Piggy" sounds when she nurses!! I love her so much, I wanted to pick her up and just run with her! HAH! As if I could run anywhere any more!! Lots of pictures were made and my daughter, Debye, Morgan's Nana, will email them to me. I will post them here so I can look at her and play with her in my computer until she is big enough to really play with me. She has a big sister, Abigail, who will love little Morgan so, so much. I can hardly wait to see the two of them together. Sisters have a special bond, so I am told. Brittany and Nathan are her proud parents. Brittany is my sweet grand daughter and Nathan is very sweet and good to her, for which I love him dearly. I would hate for someone to mistreat her, for they would not want to deal with me!!!
I have recently made a decision I had to consider at great length. I took in a young man who has a major mental illness, lost touch with his family when his mother died. He had wandered aimlessly. living in shelters, alone and afraid, delusions and hallucinations often tormenting him. My heart ached for him, for I have two adult children with schizophrenia and some people would say I have given up everything for them, but I have gained far more than I have given up. I wanted them to have a home, to feel safe, to be protected and cared for, to know they were loved unconditionally. It has not been an easy road to travel, but so many blessings were along the road side, seeming to be waiting just for me. I have two more adult children who are disabled by an anxiety so crippling it is often impossible for them to function, I lost a son at the young age of twenty. I am very thankful my oldest is healthy with a wonderful family. I was afraid for him when cancer was discovered in a kidney and doctors removed the kidney, but had been unable to remove all the cancer cells. He was scheduled to begin treatment with chemotherapy when the Lord saw fit to reach His loving hand down and heal my son, for the cancer had disappeared with no explanation after world reknowned doctors had seen it there!!
God has been so good to me, despite the heartaches. I like to say, here I am with 6 children, those beautiful grandchildren and now, FIVE great grand children. Some people do not have any and I feel especially blessed that God saw fit to let me be a mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
I do have a sense of humor, maybe not as much as I once did before I became so sick, but it is still there, just not as close to the surface.
For some weird reason I always have to end everything with these two words .... Be sweet!!!
6 years ago
Congratulations on your newest great grandchild! And Blessings for all the good works you do. You have a very large heart. And a tender soul.
You are so special to those who are fortunate to read your blog. Especially those near you. God Bless your loving heart.
Mary Anne and Carol, your sweet words mean so much to me!! You will never know how you help many times to make my day!!! I just have to put my feelings into words sometimes and I feel so honored that someone thinks them or me special!!!
Polly you are the sweetest lady I have met in all of Blogland and you have such a large heart. May you continue to be s howered with blessings.
Thank you, sweet little Loree. I say to everyone who tells me that, "Boy, have I got you fooled!!" when actually I am so touched. Sometomes I can be areally tough if I have to. I never like it, but, if the need arises, I can do it with a strengh that I am always surprised is still with me. Thanks, Love!!!
What a wonderful post, a new life. Congratulations.
It is a hard path you have followed, but one you can be proud of. You are a good person, Polly and that young man is lucky to have found a friend in you.
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