Aren’t’ they the spittin’ image of me? I sure like to think so. They are the daughters of my oldest son, Keith and his little wife, Carol. They also have one son, Eric. My grand daughter, Brittany is due to give birth to a new GREAT grand baby next week and I am as excited as if I were giving birth myself!! I have to be there when the baby is born! They will get her all settled in and come get me!!!!!! I said half heartedly that I would wait till the baby was born and let the new mom, dad and nana have time with her before I take over, but they still said I have to be there right when she is born.
Kristi, in the scrapbook page above, has two children, Anna and Christian. Brooke says she is not having children, but she stays busy with her little step daughter, Jordan, and her nieces and nephews. She is like a mother hen taking care of everyone!!
Can you believe they are saying it may snow this weekend?? Spring is almost upon us and Brandon (my grandson) picked a daffodil for me today. I put it in a glass bottle with a small neck and it looks beautiful. Wouldn’t it be the neatest thing if he could see them peeking out from the snow by the end of the week?? They are saying “flurries” but usually when they say that, it “flurries up under the window sill!! If it does, we will just wrap up, watch old movies and make homemade caramel popcorn. I won't mind at all.
Be sweet!!!
6 years ago
What a great memory page. Your family is beautiful and how you write makes me think you are also a close and loving family and congrats on your upcoming addition
Have a wonderful birth! LOL
Lovely family page, Polly.
Enjoy the new baby. Little ones bring so much joy.
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